Classic models of neural computation focus on neural codes represented by the firing of individual neurons. However, neurons also collaborate to produce electric fields. Are they epiphenomena or do they aid neural computation?
Measurements and models of electric fields in the in vivo human brain during transcranial electric stimulation
Yu Huang, Anli Liu, Belen Lafon
et al.
Traveling Waves in Visual Cortex
Tatsuo K Sato, I. Nauhaus, M. Carandini
et al.
Direction-selective motion discrimination by traveling waves in visual cortex
Stewart Heitmann, G. Ermentrout
2020PLoS Comput. Biol.
Latency analysis of resting-state BOLD-fMRI reveals traveling waves in visual cortex linking task-positive and task-negative networks
R. Hindriks, R. Mantini, N. Gravel
et al.
Suppressive Traveling Waves Shape Representations of Illusory Motion in Primary Visual Cortex of Awake Primate
S. Chemla, A. Reynaud, M. di Volo
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2019The Journal of Neuroscience
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial using a low-frequency magnetic field in the treatment of musculoskeletal chronic pain.
A. Thomas, Karissa A. Graham, F. Prato
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2007Pain research & management
Standing Waves and Traveling Waves Distinguish Two Circuits in Visual Cortex
A. Benucci, Robert A. Frazor, M. Carandini
et al.
Electric and magnetic fields: over 40 years of scientific studies
The origin of extracellular fields and currents — EEG, ECoG, LFP and spikes
G. Buzsáki, C. Anastassiou, C. Koch
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2012Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Effects of uniform extracellular DC electric fields on excitability in rat hippocampal slices in vitro
M. Bikson, M. Inoue, Hiroki Akiyama
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2004The Journal of physiology
Alterations in brain electrical activity caused by magnetic fields: detecting the detection process.
G. Bell, A. Marino, A. Chesson
1992Electroencephalography and clinical n...
Detection of weak electric fields by sharks, rays, and skates.
R. Adair, R. Astumian, J. Weaver
et al.
Influence of static electric field on cognition in mice
Yaqian Xu, S. Wu, G. Di
et al.
Beyond dimension reduction: Stable electric fields emerge from and allow representational drift
D. Pinotsis, E. Miller
Neuromodulation of Axon Terminals
D. Chakraborty, D. Truong, M. Bikson
et al.
2018Cerebral cortex
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